Delay Model (Queueing)
Node 之間傳packet 總時間=>delay timeD trans= packet(bit) / BW (bps)
D process= 處理packet的time (以目前科技來看 近乎等於零)
D distance =網路線長 (也是幾乎等於零)
*D queueing 等待時間 -----------------這節重點~~~~
Queueing time
- FIFO (first-in-first-out)
- TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing)
- FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing)
- SM (Statistical Multiplexing)
4類似FIFO,不過會根據傳輸packet的大小作queueing (使用效率高,但缺點是packet過大時會造成嚴重Delay)
使用時機:n大的時候用2, n小的時候用3, packet 小的時候用 4
N = avg of customers (packet) in the system
T = avg delay for customer
λ= customer arrival rate
M = customer service rate
N(t) = Number of customers in the system at time t
α(t) = Number of customers who arrived in the interval [0, t]
Ti = Time spent in the system by the ith(第i個) arriving customer
Little's Theory
* N=λT
Little's Theorem expresses the natural idea that crowded systems (large N) are associated
with long customer delays (large T) and reversely. For example, on a rainy day, traffic
on a rush hour moves slower than average (large T), while the streets are more crowded
(large N). Similarly, a fast-food restaurant (small T) needs a smaller waiting room
(small N) than a regular restaurant for the same customer arrival rate.